Mercurial Wild Woman

Mercurial Wild Woman

Mercurial Wild Woman

This is a guest poem post by Patricia Anderson Peters. You can read some of her recent writing at and learn more about her at her website. Follow Patricia on twitter @PSAnderson1

Please share your thoughts and feelings that this poem inspires in you in the comments below. We’re waiting with anticipation to hear from YOU!

Thank you and thank you Patricia for sharing this passionate poem with us!

Mercurial Wild Woman

they called it,
able to be coaxed
yet unable to be captured.
The essence of the Web.
A silver spring
of molten fire,
forced to the surface by
a glance of your eyes,
a touch of your hand,
your words whispered,
that feather along
my heated neck
shocking the nerves
and unraveling the senses.
And the flow begins…
moisture on a heated surface
dancing over the fire,
slick to the touch,
yet won’t be held
for even a moment,
as it blazes
a pathway between
soul and soul
body and body.
A mercurial wild woman
unleashed from bonds,
unrelenting in passion,
enveloping your landscape.
She will touch
your every ridge,
meld to your every curve,
settle in every valley
to rest at last,
in the hollow of your heart.

c. Patricia Anderson Peters
October, 2013

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