
Welcome to Real Women’s Bodies!

Here’s a little bit about us, our newsletter, and the benefits of subscribing.

Real Women’s Bodies’ Mission

Our goal is to help women feel better about their bodies.

How does this happen? By seeing and then thinking differently.

  • Blog Articles –  inspiring and thought-provoking ideas will give you a vastly different perspective on your body.
  • Galleries – seeing real women’s bodies will have a major impact on how you view your own body – for the better!

These galleries celebrate all the glorious shapes and sizes that we women come in. This takes our understanding of “normal”  far beyond the media-driven female “standard” that we always see. You will begin to see that Different = Normal.

****Please note: WE ARE NEW! And we’d love your help building our galleries! You can submit your picture and story here. *****

Share Your Picture and Story

I hope that women will come away from this site with:

  • feeling more compassion towards other women and towards themselves;
  • releasing the habit of critical judgments towards others and themselves.
  • the beginnings of a deep rooted sense of confidence, appreciation, and joy about their bodies.

Our bodies have function and purpose. They serve us well and yet they are taken for granted and even hated sometimes for how they look. I hope to turn this around. This body that serves you so well is deserving of your respect, admiration, and love. Do this and your soul will soar!

What to Expect from the RWB Newsletter

  • Our latest articles on body-image as they are published, usually 1-3 times per week.
  • News and other information relating to this topic that may interest you such as book reviews, movie reviews, news articles and more.
  • Special offers from time to time including free stuff that I hope you’ll love!

Why Should YOU Subscribe? – 9 Good Reasons!

  1. Get updates automatically. You’ll never have to waste time checking our site for new articles. They will be delivered right to your inbox.
  2. Subscribing is FREE!
  3. Our articles will stretch your thinking and lead you to a better place in how you view your own body. Your time is valuable. I get that. I will only send out information that is valuable and helpful.
  4. When you sign up, you’a free copy of my ebook “Mantras for Loving Yourself.”
  5. As a subscriber you can expect goodies from time to time!
  6. Exclusive news, updates, and online events for subscribers only.
  7. I never share your email with anyone. Ever.
  8. You lose nothing by taking our newsletter for a test drive. Takes only one click to unsubscribe.
  9. Subscribers have more fun! 🙂

Looking forwarding to you joining our community! Sign-up is right here: